The patch dermal allograft (Alloderm) in radical surgery of the penis plastic. First experience induratio M. Paradiso, O. Sedigh, A. Formiconi, A. Volpe, U. Ferrando, M. Pippione, S. Soltaninassab Urology Volume 65 , Supplement, 1998

One year of experience with S.I.S. Biomaterial in penile plastic surgery. M. Paradiso, O. Sedigh,, A. Volpe, M. Manzo, G. Milan Urology Volume 68, Supplement, 2001, pp. 92-94, SUP1 [3 page (s) (article)]
Lengthening phalloplasty ring protesico. Project complement system and early results. M.paradiso, O. Sedigh, A. Volpe, M. Manzo, G. Milan Urology Volume 68, Supplement, 2001

Shock wave therapy for Peyronie’s disease of the penis. O. Sedigh, M. Paradiso, F. Morabito, U. Ferrando. Abstracts Journal of the European Society of muscoloskeletal shockwave therapy. May 1999 no: 46 London

The autologous venous patch in radical surgery of the penis induratio Paradiso, Sedigh, Repetto, beef, Fox, Ferrando – Italian Journal of Urology-Video N °: 42 March 2001

Plaque surgery for Peyronie’s disease: heterologous grafts. M. Paradiso, O. Sedigh, G. MILAN Italian Archives of Andrology and Urology, Vol 75, No. 2, June 2003 Arch Ital Androla uroliths. 2003 Jun; 75 (2) :116-8 12868152

One year experience with SIS biomaterial patch penile surgery International Journal of Impotence Research Volume 13 Supplement 4 October 2001.

Penile grafting / augmentation with SIS ESSM_ Video presentation: O.sedigh: Italy International journal of impotence Reaserch Vol.14 supplement 4 December 14 O. Sedigh

Corporoplasty Substitution with inflatable penile prosthesis implantation and Alloderm after devasting previos prosthetic surgery. M. Paradiso, O.sedigh, U. Ferrando International journal of impotance research.Volume 15, Supplement 6, November 2003

Know-how and quality factors in the surgical treatment of plastic induratio penis. M.paradiso, O. Sedigh, U. Ferrando International journal of impotence research. Volume 15, Supplement 6, November 2003

Anterograde radical prostatectomy N.sparing U. Ferrando, G. Cucchiarale, O. Sedigh, Italian Journal of Urology Video-03.2005Insertion of immediate dentures penieina hydraulic AMS-MS in refractory ischemic priapism. O. Sedigh, U. Ferrando 100 years of urology-Italian collection of newspaper-Video-09.2008

Three-component prosthesis peneino corporoplastica relaxed in case of severe curvature (120 degrees) of the ventral penis O. Sedigh, U. Ferrando Italian Journal of Urology Italian-video edition March 2009

Erectile dysfunction after kidney transplantation: our 22 years of experience. 2004: Lasaponara F, Paradiso M, Milan MGL, Morabito F; Sedigh O, Graziano ME, subscribe to, Piccoli GB, Rossetti M, Half E, Ferrando U
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How to deal with serologic progression of disease after radical prostatectomy? U. Ferrando, Tasso M., M. Paradiso, Sedigh OR, Volpe A JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIGANDS ASSAY, Vol II PA NDOR August 1998

ANTI-DEVICES RETROMIGRAZIONE CALCULATIONS OF CURRENT URS: UTILITIES REAL? F. Cauda, L. Squintone, O. Sedigh, C. Flowers, D.. Fontana, U. Ferrando Department NefroUrologia, A.O. San Giovanni Battista “Molinette, Turin Italian Stock of Urology and Andrology 2006, 78, 1, Supplement 1

Wawes Extracorporeal Shock Therapy as the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease: a Multicentric, Randomized Trial versus Vitamin A. MOISO1 *, R. VELLA2, E. UBERTI2, G. CAMANA3, P. CARBONE3, A. TAMAGNONE4, D. RANDONE4, O. SEDIGH5, U. FERRANDO5, G. THE NOCE6, M. LAUDI6, A. SERAO7, P. GONTERO8, B. FREA8, G. FONTANA1 * 1 UOA Urology, Ospedale “SS. Annunziata “, Savigliano (CN); 2UOA Urology, Hospital, Carmagnola (TO) 3 UOA Urology, Hospital” E. Agnelli, Pinerolo (TO); 4UOA Urolgia Hospital “O. Gradenigo, Torino; 5UOA Urology 3, ASO “S. Giovanni Battista, Turin, 6 UOA Urology, Hospital “Maurizio Umberto I, Torino, 7 UOA Urology, Civil Hospital, Casale Monferrato (AL), 8 UOADU Urology, ASO Ospedale Maggiore, Novara GIMSeR 2006, 13:75 – 83

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Intersititial Laser Coagulation (ILC) for prostatic begnign hyperthrophy Interstitial Laser Coagulation (ILC) for prostate-Benigna Urologia Volume 66, N-0.1999 Editorial urology-Treviso M. Tasso, O.Sedigh, U. Ferrando

Intermittent continuous therapy vs therapy advanced prostate cancer: a concept is changing Ferrando.U, Paradiso.M, .. Sedigh, OPandora May-August-1999

Determinants of Erectile Dysfunction Risk in a Large Series of Italian Men Attending Andrology Clinics Start moduloV Mironea, Riccib E, V Gentilec, Fasolod Basile C, F Parazzinibe, The Italian Society of Andrology (SIA) Accepted 13 August 2003. Of European Urology, Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 87-91 (January 2004) Sedigh-Author-Correspondent
Erectile dysfunction after kidney transplantation: our 22 years of experience. Lasaponara F, Paradiso M, Milan MG, Morabito F, Sedigh O, Graziano ME, Abbona A, Piccoli GB, Rossetti M, Mezza E, Ferrando U. Transplant Proc. 2004 Apr;36(3):502-4

Dynamic renogram and urological complications in kidney transplant: is there a role? results of a preliminary monocentric retrospective study. Lasaponara F, Sargiotto A, Negro C, Pasquale G, Bosio A, Sedigh O, Dalmasso E, Picciotto G, Fontana D. Urology 2011; 78(S3A):73




Early insertion of inflatable prosthesis for intractable ischemic priapism: our experience and review of the literature. Sedigh O, Rolle L, Negro CL, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Galletto E, Soltanzadeh K, Ajamy H, Hosseinee J, Al Ansari A, Shamsodini A, Fontana D. Int J Impot Res. 2011 Jul-Aug;23(4):158-64


Tadalafil 5 mg once a day: in quali pazienti maggior accettabilità e migliori risultati? L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, O.Sedigh, C.Negro, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, M.Preto, D.Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

Nove anni di esperienza nell’esplorazione microchirurgica testicolare per noduli ipoecogeni non palpabili, L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, O.Sedigh, C.Negro, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, D.Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

L’intervento di riassegnazione chirurgica del sesso induce variazioni nel funzionamento psichico globale? L.Rolle, A.Gualerzi, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, O.Sedigh, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, A.Gonella, D.Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

Stenosi della neovagina in soggetti sottoposti a riassegnazione chirurgica del sesso mtof: esistono fattori di rischio? L.Rolle, A.Gualerzi, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, O.Sedigh, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, A.Gonella, D.Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

Trattamento chirurgico di gravi accorciamenti penieni da i.p.p.: risultati della “sliding technique” e soddisfazione dei pazienti a medio-lungo termine, L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, O.Sedigh, C.Negro, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, D. Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

Trattamento del deficit erettile con inibitori delle fosfodiesterasi-5 dopo trapianto renale, F.Lasaponara, O.Sedigh, E.Dalmasso, G.Pasquale, A.Bosio, L.Rolle, M.Timpano, M.Falcone, D.Fontana, Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia, 84 Supp 1, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIA, Torino 3-6 Ottobre 2012

Apical erniation of corporal cavernosa and penile prosthesis malfunction, O.Sedigh, L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, M.Timpano, E.Galletto, C.Negro, E.Dalmasso, M.Falcone, D.Fontana, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIU, Venezia 21-24 Ottobre 2012

L’esplorazione testicolare microchirurgica “testis sparing” per lesioni ipoecogene non palpabili: 9 anni di esperienza del nostro centro, M.Timpano, L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, O.Sedigh, C.Negro, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, D.Fontana Atti Congresso Nazionale SIU, Venezia 21-24 Ottobre 2012
Studio del funzionamento psichico globale in soggetti D.I.G. Prima e dopo intervento di riassegnazione chirurgica del sesso, L.Rolle, A.Gualerzi, C.Ceruti, O.Sedigh, M.Timpano, E.Galletto, M.Falcone, D.Fontana, Atti Congresso Nazionale SIU, Venezia 21-24 Ottobre 2012

Compliance, tollerabilità ed efficacia della terapia once a day con Tadalafil 5 mg: qual è il paziente ideale? C. Ceruti, L. Rolle, M. Timpano, O. Sedigh, E. Galletto, M. Falcone, M. Preto, D. Fontana Atti Congresso Nazionale SIU, Venezia 21-24 Ottobre 2012

The “Sliding Technique” for the end-stage Peyronie’s Disease with severe shortening of the penis: surgical outcomes and patients’ satisfaction after 2 years of experience, L.Rolle, M.Timpano, C.Ceruti, O.Sedigh, M.Falcone, E.Galletto, P.Destefanis, M.Preto, D.Fontana, J Sex Med 2012; 9 (suppl 5): 303-335 IF:3.552

A prospective analysis of surgical outcomes and patients satisfaction rate after AMS Spectra penile prosthesis implantation, L.Rolle, C.Ceruti, O.Sedigh, M.Timpano, M.Falcone, E.Galletto, P.Destefanis, M.Preto, A.Gonella, D.Fontana, J Sex Med 2012; 9 (suppl 5): 336-356 – IF:3.552
The cerebral modification in MtoF transsexuals after the sex reassignment surgery: a neurophysiological study based on an emotional P300, L.Rolle, M.T. Molo, M.Falcone, M.Timpano, C.Ceruti, O.Sedigh, E.Galletto, M.Preto, D.Fontana, J Sex Med 2012; 9 (suppl 5): 357-397 – IF:3.552

Intraoperative superselective embolization of a biopsy-related arteriocalyceal fistula during a kidney transplantation. Transplantation. Bosio A, Lasaponara F, Dalmasso E, Breatta AD, Pasquale G, Sedigh O, Verri A, Negro CL, Alessandria E, Righi D, Segoloni GP, Fontana D. 2012 Jul 27;94(2):e12-3

A new, innovative, lenghtening surgical procedure for Peyronie’s disease by penile prosthesis implantation with double dorsal-ventral patch graft: the “Sliding technique”. Rolle L, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Sedigh O, Destefanis P, Galletto E, Falcone M, Fontana D. J Sex Med. 2012 Sep;9(9):2389-95

Surgical Implantation of Artificial Urinary Device and Penile Prosthesis Through Trans-scrotal Incision for Postprostatectomy Urinary Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction: Synchronous or Delayed Procedure Rolle L, Ceruti C, Sedigh O, Timpano M, Destefanis P, Lillaz B, Galletto E, De Maria C, Falcone M*, Dalmasso E, Fontana D. Urology. 2012 Nov;80(5):1046-50

Prospective Analysis of the Surgical Outcomes and Patients’ Satisfaction Rate After the AMS Spectra Penile Prosthesis Implantation – Falcone M, Rolle L, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Sedigh O, Preto M, Gonella A, Frea B Urology. 2013 Aug;82(2):373-6

Peyronie’s disease. A comprehensive guide. Cavallini G, Paulis G ed. Springer – 2015 – “Surgical Techniques for Difficult and Complicated Cases of Peyronie’s Disease” Rolle L, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Sedigh O, Falcone M, Preto M, Galletto E, Frea B

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor treatment for erectile dysfunction in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving dialysis or after renal transplantation. Lasaponara F, Sedigh O, Pasquale G, Bosio A, Rolle L, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Negro CL, Paradiso M, Abbona A, Segoloni GP, Fontana D. J Sex Med. 2013 Nov;10(11):2798-814

[A 8-year-forgotten ureteral stent after kidney transplantation: treatment and long-term follow-up]. Lasaponara F, Dalmasso E, Santià S, Sedigh O, Bosio A, Pasquale G, Segoloni GP, Fontana D. Urologia. 2013 Jan-Mar;80(1):80-2

Kidney transplant grafts with complete ureteral duplication. Lasaponara F, Dalmasso E, Bosio A, Pasquale G, Sedigh O, Santià S, Frea B. Exp Clin Transplant. 2013 Dec;11(6):507-9

Male, Urethral strictures: a national survey among urologists in Italy. Palminteri E, Maruccia S, Berdondini E, Di Pierro GB, Sedigh O, Rocco F. Urology. 2014 Feb;83(2):477-84

Does Sex Reassignment Surgery Induce Cerebral Modifications in MTF Transsexuals? Rolle L, Falcone M, Vighetti S, Ceruti C, Sedigh O, Timpano M, Molo MT, Castelli L, Preto M, Gontero P, Frea B, J Sex Med. 2014 Jan;11(1):312

Oral mucosa harvest for urologic reconstruction: role of maxillofacial surgeon and donor-site morbidity evaluation. Fasolis M, Zavattero E, Sedigh O, Gontero P, Preto M, Frea B, Ramieri G. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Mar;25(2):604-6

Subcapsular Hematoma Causing Anuria After Renal Graft Trauma Omidreza Sedigh, Fedele Lasaponara, Ettore Dalmasso, Massimo Gai, Andrea Bosio, Giovanni Pasquale, Beatrice Lillaz, Luigi Biancone, Bruno Frea. Subcapsular hematoma causing anuria after renal graft trauma. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation 2015 (IF = 0.622)

Distal tunical repair for apical herniation of corpora cavernosa and penile prosthesis malfunction. O. Sedigh, M. Falcone, E. Dalmasso, MG Mohseni, J Hosseini, L Rolle, C. Ceruti, M Timpano, P Gontero, B Frea. VJPU 2015

Sexual function after surgical treatment for penile cancer: Which organ-sparing approach gives the best results?. Sedigh O, Falcone M, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Preto M, Oderda M, Kuehhas F, Sibona M, Gillo A, Gontero P, Rolle L, Frea B. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015 Jul-Aug;9(7-8

Urological consequences following renal transplantation: a review of the literature. Palazzetti A, Oderda M, Dalmasso E, Falcone M, Bosio A, Sedigh O, Frea B, Gontero P. Urologia. 2015 Oct-Dec;82(4):211-8

Two-sided urethra-sparing reconstruction combining dorsal preputial skin plus ventral buccal mucosa grafts for tight bulbar strictures. Palminteri E, Berdondini E, Florio M, Cucchiarale G, Milan G, Valentino F, Sedigh O, Di Pierro GB.
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Surgical management of hypogonadic patients with hypotrophic testicles and small penis: a novel, combined technique with an infrapubic approach. Timpano M, Falcone M, Kuehhas F, Ceruti C, Sedigh O, Oderda M, Gontero P, Frea B, Rolle L.
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A prospective multicentric international study on the surgical outcomes and patients’ satisfaction rates of the ‘sliding’ technique for end-stage Peyronie’s disease with severe shortening of the penis and erectile dysfunction. Rolle L, Falcone M, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Sedigh O, Ralph DJ, Kuehhas F, Oderda M, Preto M, Sibona M, Gillo A, Garaffa G, Gontero P, Frea B.BJU Int. 2015 Dec 21

A Single-center Analysis on the Learning Curve of Male-to-Female Penoscrotal Vaginoplasty by Multiple Surgical Measures.
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Subcapsular Hematoma Causing Anuria After Renal Graft Trauma.
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Sexual medicine Journal May 20191.
An outcomes analysis of penile prosthesis implantation following radical cystoprostatectomy and urinary diversion: a multicentric retrospective cohort study.
Falcone M, Pucci L, Garaffa G, Cocci A, Gillo A, Capece M, Ceruti C, Timpano M, Sedigh O, Preto M, Blecher G, Chiancone F, Carrino M, Rolle L, Gontero P.
Int J Impot Res. 2020 Jan;32(1):126-132. doi: 10.1038/s41443-019-0171-6. Epub 2019 Jun 26.
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